Determining if a CoCo has 32KiB or 64KiB RAM

From Wikistix

Since the question has come up a few times, and CoCo's with 32KiB RAM do apparently exist, the following program should determine if your Tandy Color Computer really has only 32KiB or the full 64KiB RAM.

10 CLEAR200,&H7DFF
20 A=&H7E00
40 DEFUSR0=&H7E00
60 DATA7F,FF,DF,30,8D,00,2B,86
70 DATAFF,6F,84,A7,89,80,00,6D
80 DATA84,26,15,30,89,80,00,6F
90 DATA84,6D,84,26,0B,A7,84,A1
100 DATA84,26,05,CC,00,FF,20,03
110 DATACC,00,00,7F,FF,DE,BD,B4
120 DATAF4,39,00

The ML routine works by first hiding the ROM, then checking that the upper 32KiB RAM is not just mirrored from the lower 32KiB RAM (which is the case in xroar). It then also checks that the upper RAM can hold a zero or 255 value. The one physical 32KiB machine I'm aware of returned 255 ($ff) for all bytes in the upper 32KiB.

                      (      64ktest.asm):00001                 org     $7e00
7E00 7FFFDF           (      64ktest.asm):00002                 clr     $ffdf
7E03 308D002B         (      64ktest.asm):00003                 leax    byte,pcr
7E07 86FF             (      64ktest.asm):00004                 lda     #$ff
7E09 6F84             (      64ktest.asm):00005                 clr     ,x
7E0B A7898000         (      64ktest.asm):00006                 sta     $8000,x
7E0F 6D84             (      64ktest.asm):00007                 tst     ,x
7E11 2615             (      64ktest.asm):00008                 bne     k32
7E13 30898000         (      64ktest.asm):00009                 leax    $8000,x
7E17 6F84             (      64ktest.asm):00010                 clr     ,x
7E19 6D84             (      64ktest.asm):00011                 tst     ,x
7E1B 260B             (      64ktest.asm):00012                 bne     k32
7E1D A784             (      64ktest.asm):00013                 sta     ,x
7E1F A184             (      64ktest.asm):00014                 cmpa    ,x
7E21 2605             (      64ktest.asm):00015                 bne     k32
7E23 CC00FF           (      64ktest.asm):00016                 ldd     #$ff
7E26 2003             (      64ktest.asm):00017                 bra     bas
7E28 CC0000           (      64ktest.asm):00018         k32     ldd     #0
7E2B 7FFFDE           (      64ktest.asm):00019         bas     clr     $ffde
7E2E BDB4F4           (      64ktest.asm):00020                 jsr     $b4f4
7E31 39               (      64ktest.asm):00021                 rts
7E32 00               (      64ktest.asm):00022         byte    fcb     0