Manually Creating VIOS NIM Resources

From Wikistix

After having many problems attempting to use installios, the following steps were used to build the necessary NIM resources to allow the installation of IBM's Virtual I/O Server:

First, define shell variables pointing to the mounted CD or copied CD contents, and the destination for the NIM objects:

# SRC=/junk/vios-1.2-cd
# DST=/csminstall/eznim/vios-1.2

Define NIM client. Substitute appropriate client name, ethernet hardware address, interface name, cable type, subnet mask, client gateway and speed/duplex:

# nim -o define -t standalone -a if1="find_net CLIENTNAME 000a0b0c0d0e ent1" \
> -a cable_type1=N/A \
> -a netboot_kernel=mp -a net_definition="ent" \
> -a net_settings1="100 half" CLIENTNAME

Define NIM mksysb:

# mkdir ${DST}/mksysb
# cp ${SRC}/nimol/ioserver_res/mksysb ${DST}/mksysb/installios_mksysb
# nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master -a location=${DST}/mksysb/installios_mksysb \
> installios_mksysb

Define NIM bundle:

# mkdir ${DST}/bundle
# cp ${SRC}/installp/ppc/en_US.bnd ${DST}/bundle
# nim -o define -t installp_bundle -a server=master -a location=${DST}/bundle/en_US.bnd \
> installios_bundle

Define NIM lppsource:

# mkdir ${DST}/lpp_source
# gencopy -X -d ${SRC}/installp/ppc -t ${DST}/lpp_source/installios_lpp_source \
> $(/usr/bin/cat ${DST}/bundle/en_US.bnd)
# nim -o define -t lpp_source -a server=master \
> -a location=${DST}/lpp_source/installios_lpp_source \
> -a source=${DST}/lpp_source/installios_lpp_source installios_lpp_source
Preparing to copy install images (this will take several minutes)...

0503-114 gencopy: RPM Product cdrecord* does not exist.
0503-114 gencopy: RPM Product mkisofs* does not exist.

Now checking for missing install images...
warning: 0042-265 c_mk_lpp_source: The image source "/csminstall/eznim/vios-1.2/lpp_source/installios_lpp_source"
        that was used to define the lpp_source is missing one or more
        of the following from the list of default packages:
warning: 0042-267 c_mk_lpp_source: The defined lpp_source does not have the
        "simages" attribute because one or more of the following
        packages are missing:

Define NIM VIOS SPOT resource:

# mkdir ${DST}/spot
# nim -o define -t spot -a location=${DST}/spot -a server=master \
> -a source=installios_mksysb installios_spot

 Creating SPOT in "/csminstall/eznim/vios-1.2/spot" on machine "master" from "installios_mksysb" ...

 Restoring files from BOS image.  This may take several minutes ...

 Checking filesets and network boot images for SPOT "installios_spot".
 This may take several minutes ...

Define NIM bosinst:

# cp ${SRC}/nimol/ioserver_res/ ${DST}/
# nim -o define -t bosinst_data -a server=master -a location=${DST}/ \
> installios_bosinst

Configure NIM ready for client install:

# nim -o bos_inst -a source=mksysb -a spot=installios_spot -a mksysb=installios_mksysb \
> -a bosinst_data=installios_bosinst -a boot_client=no CLIENTNAME
warning: 0042-360 m_bos_inst: The SPOT level is older than the mksysb level. Therefore,
        the BOS installation may encounter problems.
        Update the SPOT to match the mksysb level or create a
        new SPOT that has the same level.

Now, the LPAR may be net booted via any method (eg. SMS via HMC).