git help

From Wikistix

Cheat-sheet of discoveries, many mined from stackoverflow.

Show unpushed commits

One branch

git log remote/pkgsrc-2018Q3..pkgsrc-2018Q3
git diff remote/pkgsrc-2018Q3..pkgsrc-2018Q3

All branches

git log --branches --not --remotes

Show diffs for a single commit (relative to its ancestor)

git diff dcca4290b0cafd64cc80a9ca7c63dc2e8228ae8d~ dcca4290b0cafd64cc80a9ca7c63dc2e8228ae8d

Generate a patch file for a single commit

git format-patch --stdout -1 e13535f822b5efe0e3b471bc366e8d3ea96059d5

Show diffs for a stash

For the latest stash

git stash show -p

For a given stash

git stash show -p stash@{1}

Including untracked files

git stash show -p -u

Pop untracked files after stash apply merge conflict

git stash pop
… merge conflicts, untracked files not created …
git checkout stash^3 -- . # only works with clean index
git stash drop # remove the stash

Record intent to add (allowing diffs of untracked files)

git add -N <file> …

Use the following to revert:

git restore --staged <file> …

Show file history for all branches

git log --all <file>

Patch local tree with a commit from another branch

git cherry-pick -n <commit-hash>

Undo a commit

NOTE: this almost permanently deletes the commit.

git reset --hard <commit>~

Add a new worktree, sharing an existing git repository

git worktree add ../newpath mybranch
git worktree add ../../netbsd-9/src netbsd-9

Get/Set origin, https or ssh

git remote get-url origin
git remote set-url origin
git remote set-url origin

Get/Set config vars, like the current pager

git config --get core.pager
git config core.pager 'less -RX'
git config --get pull.rebase
git config pull.rebase true